Black Rose

Korang suka bunga ros tak? suka? ke tak?
Kalau suka, warna apa yang Korang suka? Merah? Pink? Kuning? Putih? Purple?
Atau mungkin korang ni berjiwa misteri suka warna Biru atau Hitam?

Betul ke wujud ros warna Hitam dan Biru? Sebenarnya, warna hitam dan biru pada ros adalah dari pewarna tiruan.Memang tak adalah warna biru n hitam kan? Kalau layu pun warna dak?

Okey..simbolik Black Rose?

Penah dengar Black Rose? Adakah benar wujud atau cuma satu perumpamaan dan gelaran yang direka-reka? Berikut sedikit info tentang Black Rose.

In the Vampire Diaries, the Black Rose refers to "Black Magic", the only non-blood beverage vampires can drink. It tastes the same as blood. Many of the main characters use this to survive.

In the Night World series, the Black Rose is the symbol for made vampires, as opposed to the black iris for lamia (or born vampires).

In Revenge (Season 2, Episode 18), Black Roses are a symbol for dying love.

According to the soundtrack released by Nintendo Power, "The Black Rose" is the title for the background music in the fifth level of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

In Phantom of the Opera ,The Black Rose symbolizes extreme and undying love.

In the Babylon 5 episode "Passing Through Gethsemane", a Black Rose is given to a monk as a symbol of death, and later placed in the mouth of a murdered woman.

In MTV Splitsvilla's seventh season, black roses are given to girls to eliminate them from the show.

"Black Roses" was a song on British pop singer Charli XCX's debut studio album True Romance.

Nak tahu lagi pasal Black Rose? Haa.. leh la rerajinkan jemari runcing korang tu ke sini.


  1. cantik rose hitammmdan sangat misteriii

  2. Lissa suka black rose atau violet rose. ada aura misteri tersendiri :D

  3. black rose vs white rose.. fifie suka white rose..

  4. Menarik !

    Betul . In the phantom of the opera.. Agak misteri crita tu. Teringat masa SPM dulu, literature ni lah.. hehe

  5. Menarik !

    Betul . In the phantom of the opera.. Agak misteri crita tu. Teringat masa SPM dulu, literature ni lah.. hehe

  6. Saya kenal Black Rose ni cuma nama band je NS.....
    Sedap weyh lagu dia. Femes tau masa zaman mak tu. Tp yelah kan hitam ni mmg sinonim dgn mistiklah....seram pulak tgk rose hitam tu

    1. sama la kita nom.
      kumpulan blackrose. lagu nyer 'tiara' kalau tak silap aida :)

  7. Saya kenal Black Rose ni cuma nama band je NS.....
    Sedap weyh lagu dia. Femes tau masa zaman mak tu. Tp yelah kan hitam ni mmg sinonim dgn mistiklah....seram pulak tgk rose hitam tu

    1. sama la kita nom.
      kumpulan blackrose. lagu nyer 'tiara' kalau tak silap aida :)

  8. kumpulan blackrose nyanyi lagu penantian, penah la dengar...hehehehhe


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